Vitali Majewski

Front-End Developer (Entry Level)

About Me

I'm taking this course because I’m interested in beginning a career in IT. I dream of becoming a professional in FrontEnd Development field because this area has great opportunities and prospects. After all, with the help of technologies such as HTML, CSS, JS, you can make a full-fledged application, website, and browser game.


  • Markdown :)
  • HTML :)
  • CSS :)
  • JS :)


Belarus State Economic University

Code example

I don't have it yet :)

But have some Kata in CODEWARS

Complicated solutions for a simple task :)


  function getDecimal(n) {
	return +n.toString().replace(/^(.?\d+)/g, 0);

  function getDecimal(n){
	if (n%1 === 0) return 0;
	return +('0.' + n.toString().replace(/[-]?\d+[\.\,]/g, ''))